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The Right Way to Evaluate a Job Offer

Receiving a job offer can leave you jumping for joy and excited to start. However, the last thing you want is to be a few weeks into your new job and realise you’ve made a terrible mistake. When you’re faced with a job offer, ask yourself the following questions to figure out whether accepting it is truly in your best interests.

Will I Work Well with the Manager?

Having great chemistry with your Manager as an Office Support professional is crucial. Naturally, you’ll be working with your Manager every day so having that spark can make work far more enjoyable. If you were interviewed by your prospective Manager, or had the chance to meet them, think back on any comments they made on their work style and the company’s management. If any comments made you more concerned than excited, explore these points before making your final decision by having another meeting with your prospective Manager. If you’re working with a Recruiter, they’ll have a good understanding to help you make a more informed decision.

Would I Thrive in the Employer’s Culture?

Workplace culture will also play a pivotal role in how engaged you would be in your new role. In fact, workplace culture was the second highest influence on Australians who were considering whether to accept a job offer or not. When you reflect on your interview, ask yourself, what was the business’s dress code like? Was the office open plan? Was the atmosphere relaxed or tense? Did everyone seem happy to be there? The answers to these questions can help paint a picture of this environment and whether you’d fit within it. Once again, because they have a detailed understanding of the internal workings of their clients, your Recruiter can be an excellent port-of-call to learn whether you’d thrive in an employer’s culture.

Will I Be Challenged?

To grow, you need to face and overcome challenges throughout your career. It’s important to consider whether this prospective role will challenge you to leave your comfort zone, learn, and help you reach your goals. Accepting a job that doesn’t inspire you to develop can lead to you quickly become bored and yearning for something else. To help reduce this risk, consider if this new role will offer you new opportunities, such as taking on more management responsibilities. Remember to be open and honest about your career aspirations with your Recruiter, so they can help to ensure that the roles they present you with will help the development of your career.

Does the Role Offer a Good Work/Life Balance?

For most modern-day professionals, a great balance between their work and personal lives has become crucial, and 70% of Australians believe having flexible working conditions would improve that balance. If flexi-working is important to you, check whether your new role offers conditions that match your needs, such as versatile working hours, the option to work from home, or even split shifts and job sharing. Discussing the need to have these working conditions with your Recruitment Consultant can help ensure that any job offer you have on the table, will cater to your needs outside of work.

Am I Happy with the Remuneration?

Whilst money certainly makes the world go round and a pay rise might be cause for celebration, it might not be what gives you the most satisfaction from your work. The real question is whether the rise, or fall, in your annual salary will be worth it in the long term? Changing employers could come with higher travel expenses or relocation costs, leading to less money in your pocket at the end of the month. If salary is of prime importance to you, you can negotiate expectations before accepting the offer, which is an area your Recruiter can help in. Your Recruitment Consultant will have considerable experience in salary negotiating and have a broad understanding of the remuneration packages for the markets they specialise in, so is well placed to negotiate this on your behalf.

Closing Thoughts

When you’re faced with a job offer, it’s crucial you don’t rush your decision. Review the role’s responsibilities and take the time to understand what they entail. Is this job something that you want to do? If something doesn’t sit right with you, consult your Recruiter and they’ll help you reach an informed decision.

If you feel you’re not quite ready to accept or reject an offer, or you’re thinking about progressing your career to the next level, email one of our specialist Recruiters today.

We hope this article has helped you and if you enjoyed reading it, like us on Facebook and follow us on LinkedIn for more business support insights and news. 

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Job Search Advice
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Metier Recruitment
Metier Recruitment