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6 Strengths That Will Make You a Superhero EA


No longer is an EA somebody who only makes coffee, answers phone calls and knows their boss’ diary inside out. Not that these aren’t important part of their responsibilities, but EAs are now required to deal with additional tasks too, such as project management, HR and budgeting. What hasn’t changed though, is that they are still expected to juggle multiple tasks at once! With that in mind, what skills should you sharpen to turn yourself into a Superhero EA that can command the most coveted positions?

Anticipate and Help Your Exec Succeed

Great EAs don’t mind running around behind the scenes unnoticed, because it’s the nature of the role to help others without being asked. This sense of when and how to be supportive helps them to solve problems, and their anticipation enables them to prevent bad situations when the wheels start to squeak. By honing these crucial skills and seeing problems coming before they occur, you can create a smooth path for others to succeed and be someone that everybody will want to work with.

Don’t Wait to Be Told What to Do

EAs are in a tough position. If you handle your job well, everything runs smoothly as if nobody took care of it. To be able to succeed in that position, you need a mind of your own, and you can’t rely on your Manager to tell you how to proceed.

There are so many things that can go wrong in a busy CEO’s day. We’ve already touched on why anticipation is so important, but your attitude in approaching these problems is equally crucial. No Manager likes a “Houston, we’ve got a problem” kind of Executive Assistant, after all. Always try to come to the table with a solution, and if it’s necessary to solve something more complex then try to suggest various alternatives to cover all angles.

Improve Your Approach to Multitasking

Great assistants knew what multitasking was before the word was even invented. At school, they probably were running after-school activities as well as studying and they are now the go-to event organiser amongst family and friends. Their natural ability to have things under control trained them well to handle multiple schedules, deadlines, calls, presentations and appointments all at once. The skill of understanding your manager’s priorities and the ability to reconcile them with your own tasks is how you keep everything organised on days that feel like they’re never going to end.

Executive Assistants all have their own systems to manage multiple tasks at once. Some can’t live without always visible and strictly followed ‘to do lists’, others swear by working in 20 intense minute intervals with 5 minute breaks in between them. The key is to find what works for you and stick to it. With so many tasks on your plate, it’s often critical to embrace a ‘done is better than perfect’ approach – for your own sanity if nothing else! Dropping perfectionism in favour of handling countless tasks will save you many late hours spent in the office.

Improve Your Communication and Listening Skills

They’re so important it almost sounds like a cliché. However, the fact that EAs need to be the best listeners possible can’t be omitted. The best EAs balance efficient communication and empathetic, human communication with ease, gently reminding their manager they (really) should reply to the red-flagged messages that have been resting in their inbox for quite a while. One key tip that helps is to recap key points from the conversations you have. This way you can easily prevent misunderstanding and clarify misty points. Don’t be afraid to ask questions beyond the scope of your job description either. Curiosity is a sign of a bright mind and seeing the bigger picture will help you to prioritise your tasks and communicate key information to all key stakeholders, which will save both you and your Exec precious time.

Respect Privacy as the Greatest Asset

As Executive Assistant, you may come into contact with sensitive information. For example, you may be among the first ones to learn which board members will leave the company soon, have a deep insight into business strategy, or know when it’s your CEO’s wedding anniversary. And with all of this, you have to act as the organisation’s vault – ensuring this information remains secure. If you’re the one your friends share their secrets with, you’ll probably make a great EA! If you find yourself in an uneasy situation when you’d have to lie to not to reveal the truth, simply remain professional and calm and make it clear that you’re not in a position where you can disclose certain information.

Master the Talent of Not Taking Things Personally

As an EA, you’ll encounter a wide variety of people every day. And they are not always nice to you. Sometimes they’ve just had a bad day, sometimes they are simply grumpy people. The trick to dealing with this constructively is simply to not to take their words personally – maybe they just need somebody to shout at and you crossed their path. If you allow this kind of criticism to eat away at you, you’ll always leave your job exhausted and feeling that people don’t appreciate your job. Everybody has their own way of dealing with rude people, sometimes you might want to get some fresh air for a few minutes, have coffee with a friend or just take a deep breath and push through – anything that helps it not get to you.


Although as EA you’ll likely get to know a variety of tools, programs and applications, mastering your interpersonal skills is of the same (if not more) importance. In a couple of days or weeks, almost everybody can learn to use a new program that helps them to deal with five calendars at once. However, predicting what your manager might need, dealing with difficult personalities or understanding the importance of privacy – these are gifts that only the best EAs possess. To find out about the career opportunities that are out there for a superhero Executive Assistant, speak to us today.


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Metier Recruitment
Metier Recruitment